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How to Order MG摆脱网站-Made Furniture: 5 Steps You Need to Know


One of the biggest benefits of working with Union Wood Co is our focus on custom-made furniture.

如果你很难找到适合你的空间和风格的合适的东西, 您来对地方了,因为我们以定制木制家具而闻名.

What is MG摆脱网站-Made Furniture?

这个词经常被提及,但并不总是被准确地应用. The dictionary’s definition of custom-made is, “made to individual specifications.” In other words, it’s unique or one-of-a-kind. 

有时公司会让你从2-3种颜色或尺寸中选择“定制”家具. But it’s not the same as what we do at Union Wood Co.

这里的定制家具是指在我们温哥华摆脱游戏电子室制作的每一件家具 made to order:我们专门为订购它的人或项目设计和建造它. 没有预制家具仓库,也不涉及中间商.

How to Design MG摆脱网站 Furniture

We have two approaches to designing tailor-made furniture:

One, you can start with an existing design in our furniture collection 和 alter it in size, height, wood, tabletop shape, etc. to meet your specific needs.

例如, 下图显示了为适应不同项目而定制的相同初始表设计.

How to order custom made furniture Vancouver


两个, 我们可以开发和制作室内设计师等客户带来的家具设计, 架构师, 或者你自己. Our talented team loves to work on these projects! 我们会按照你的要求设计家具,或者我们也可以合作. Check out our custom projects gallery to see some examples.

Overall we want to make the process of ordering as easy as possible.

Below we’ve combined our extensive building experience, our drive for creating quality furniture, 和 our dedication to customer service, 为了创建这个定制家具订购指南.

How to Order MG摆脱网站 Furniture in 5 Easy Steps

custom made furniture process chart

步骤1. Consultation

通过视频咨询和我们谈谈你的项目, 电子邮件, phone or an in-person meeting.  

Using simple drawings, measurements 和/or reference images, we dive deeper into the details including scope, 预算, delivery details, 材料, specific deadlines, 维, 以及可能与您的项目相关的任何其他规范.

ordering custom furniture tips


The consultation is when we need your help the most. Being prepared will make all the difference in receiving exactly what you want. Some things we suggest that you share with us include:

  • Pictures of your space
  • 尺寸平面图(由设计师/建筑师专业绘制或手绘)
  • Intended use of furniture (eg. “我正在布置一间可容纳200人的休息室,里面有公共和私人座位.” or “We host dinner parties with 8–10 people.”)
  • Required quantity of items (eg. “We need 10 workstations in this office.”)
  • Design ideas—browse our furniture collection, MG摆脱网站页面, 材料,Instagram for ideas 和 to get a sense of our style
  • Inspiration images from Pinterest, Instagram, 杂志, or you drawings (don’t worry, even a rough sketch will help get your idea across!)

Craig's Pro Tip :我们可以根据您的电源或数据要求,选择我们的电子配件,使您的办公家具尽可能的功能齐全.

custom furniture with data 和 power

Step 2: Proposal 

我们为您的定制家具项目提交了一个确定的价格结构供您审查. 本提案还可包括供讨论之用的概念图. 

定价将包括一个固定的价格为您的项目建设如讨论和适用的税收. 运费和安装费可以包括在内,也可以在以后计费. 

现在是解决价值工程(降低成本以增加功能)的时候了 & value) to make sure we are within your 预算; or assess other fine details such as electrical specifications or 维. 



custom made furniture

Step 3: Final Review

在你同意价格和家具设计理念后,我们需要一个 50%的定金. 


一收到付款,我们就开始制作一套最终的车间图纸供您批准. 你的项目和交货期将不会开始,直到你签署了这些最终的车间图纸. 


made to order furniture

Step 4: Production


We produce furniture on a first-come-first-serve basis. Our typical lead time is 8-12周 但可以根据您的项目范围、规模或其他细节而有所不同. 请询问目前的交货期,否则我们会在咨询时通知您. 

This is where Union Wood Co has all the fun! During production, 我们的熟练和认证的工匠团队将建造您的家具非常注重细节. Our production team includes industrial designers, Red Seal-certified 和 apprentice joiners, a production manager, Red Seal-certified welders, 和 a rotation of supervising canines.


how to design custom furniture
made to order wood furniture

Step 5: Completion


在完成您的订单后,我们需要在我们安排运输细节之前支付最后一笔款项. 付款方式包括信用卡(含服务费)、支票、电汇或电子转账. 

Once we receive the final payment for your custom piece, we’ll arrange a delivery date at your requested destination. Depending on your location 和 project size, your item will be packaged for delivery with blankets, 装箱, or wrapped for full truckload transport.


made to order furniture Canada


Depending on your location, Union Wood Co的团队或当地的交付/安装合作伙伴将负责最后一英里和最后的润饰摆脱游戏电子. We offer various levels of delivery 和 installation, see our 航运 & freight page for details. 

If you’re in the Vancouver area, you’re welcome to stop by our East Vancouver workshop for a scheduled in-shop inspection. 

请注意,如果您无法支付时,您的订单完成, 如果您的物品存放超过14天,可能会被收取费用——我们的商店没有仓库.

Now for a couple of popular questions:

How Long Does MG摆脱网站 Furniture Take?

把定制家具想象成一个小型的家庭装修项目:它需要计划和耐心. 你的橱柜或桌子不会像现成的平板包装家具那样从架子上下来.

Usually we estimate 6–10 weeks, 哪一家往往比依赖海外发货的家具零售商更有优势.

其他时间考虑:一旦你选择了你的设计,大小,完成等., 一个对木材很有眼光的人一定会根据你的需要从我们的供应商中挑选材料. 我们的工匠也可能在做其他的项目.


How Much Does MG摆脱网站 Furniture Cost?

Going back to that home remodelling example, 这里涉及的因素太多了,无法回答这个问题,但我们很乐意为您提供一个建议(参见上面的第一步)。!

是的, 它比快捷家具更贵,因为它是由受过专业训练的人手工制作的,而不是机器,使用可持续来源的实木. By buying made-to-order 'slow' furniture, 你在支持当地企业的同时,也创造了一件经久耐用的传家宝家具.

Click here to download our 5 easy steps to ordering custom furniture.

摆脱游戏电子 to start your custom furniture order. 我们随时准备提供帮助,并期待听到您的项目.

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